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lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

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Jinan hardcover real estate market regulation should return to the rough times

      More than a year, a series of market regulation policy, increased regulation of the effect on home buyers' expectations, not lower prices significantly, a strong emotional watching the property market, both buyers and developers entangled. The context of the overall property market downturn, many developers began looking for a new "self-defense" to adapt to market changes. I recently visited found that the changes cancel hardcover rough housing sales in order to reduce the volume of buyers to raise the threshold method is gradually being renovated many fine real estate used.

    Decoration is far lower than expected market acceptance

    There was a time, PVC windows that buyers worry and effort of commercial refined decoration, the proportion of the market rising, Hengda, the sea, Poly, Lu business, Haier Greentown, Hang Seng Land and a number of brands have been in Jinan introduced a fine decoration projects, the industry said, fine decoration will be the future trend of development of the industry. However, in the regulation but not to relax, buyers waiting to see strong emotions of the moment, appears to be relatively high price of hardcover room "flawed." I learned that the unit price, total price is relatively high housing decoration, is difficult in the current relatively weak ability to pay first-time buyers, first time home buyers to improve the type of recognition,aluminum windows even some high-end crowd is not completely accepted.

    Dipp is the owner of a small and medium enterprises, in a high-end real estate sales office, he told the author that he will not consider the decoration of the house, first of all, the decoration style is not necessarily their favorite, even like, the developer of the material, the quality of construction will not be able to achieve their personal requirements. Second, the same decor and the surrounding neighbors, but also make people feel uncomfortable. Dipp said that business people pay more attention to feng shui and home decoration, house decoration, but will not be considered to be so full, under normal circumstances, re-decoration but also to buy back, "spend tens of thousands of decoration but also to re-buy re-installed, then it is better to buy rough housing. "

    According to the sales office the person in charge, "a house more than 100 square meters, even with the 1,000 yuan / square meters of renovation, the total price at least by 10 million, just to be on the family, it is definitely not a small the number. "In the current market conditions, the total price of ordinary home buyers are more sensitive to the renovation costs can be refined to remove housing price down, it is easy for buyers to accept. The official said the average price of their fine decorated rooms 10,000 yuan / square meter, the target customer base for high-end, fairly narrow, rough housing sales are now changed, as long as the average price of 7,000 yuan / square meter, low price , and broaden the customer base along with a lot, the house will sell. Another developer said, do invest in a large fine decoration, long construction period, once the house sold poorly, part of the decoration will continue depreciation depreciation, as rough housing can be built quickly to sell fast.

    Change the rough equal hardcover "disguised price cuts."

    Regulation in the property market before the introduction of hardcover houses, so buyers' save time and worry and effort "to achieve" bag check ", is indeed a good marketing approach. However, in the case of real estate continuously, accounting for the main buyers just need people that "cheap is king", some of the more expensive refined decoration from real estate consumers are increasingly concerned about the advantages of fine decorated rooms have been no longer attract consumers to buy the magic.

    Sound reflection from the market, most of the original hardcover price is relatively high, more than 10,000 yuan / square meter of the house, plus 2000-3000 yuan / square meters of refined standard of decoration, home buyers said they "can not afford." . One developer told the author, price competition, fine decorated rooms, but never more than rough housing. After adding the cost of renovation, the price per square meter to be increased by about 1,500. Just be conscious of many people, this is 1500 yuan is often decided to buy and not buy the key. Hardcover because of high prices lead to the loss of some of the target room, so some developers choose "disguised price cuts", to promote availability of the new "return" rough housing, in order to speed up the real estate "hit" rate.

    In fact, the hardcover blank into real estate sold in Hangzhou, Nanjing and other cities have already appeared.

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zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.